Album Review- Ben Platt Reverie

Album Review- Ben Platt Reverie

Ben Platt burst into the limelight with his breakout role in Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway. Now, he has released his new album, Reverie.  Personally I am a big fan of the quality of Ben Platt’s voice and he has become one of my favorite musical artists. So, I thought it would be fun not only to write a serious review of his Reverie album, but also to rank the songs on the album – from my favorite to my least favorite, in reverse order. Why should that matter? Well, I am a fan of his music and performances, so here you get the real scoop.

Ben Platt Reverie Album


13.King of The World Part 1

Now, starting with my least favorite, you would imagine that this one was not my favorite. Actually, I would say that I was not enthusiastic about any of the three parts of King of the World. For this part in particular I feel there were too many layers over the voice. It was kind of hard to hear the lyrics because of this. I can not blame Ben for that, but Hey, producer!

12.King of The World Part 2

This one is a bit better. I still feel like there were too many layers. However, this song does show off his wide vocal range which I like.

11.Childhood Bedroom

I was kind of mixed on this song. I liked the intro and how the background blends into the song. However, there is no vocal range for it. Ben Platt has an amazing vocal range and I think that it should be shown in all his songs.

10. King of the World Part 3

The background of this song was a bit better than the other parts. It also shows his vocal rage better than the other parts.

9.Dark Times

This song is so sad.  It is the most emotional song on the album. It was also a ballad which I liked. It had a really nice piano piece. Ben plates piano himself so it may be him playing in this song. I am not sure though.

8.Leave My Mind

This is a very upbeat song. It would be a good running song. The background was a bit distracting. It also keeps repeating the same lines over and over.

7.Dance With You

I was not the biggest fan of the intro or background. It tells a good  story. I also love the background singers

6.I Want to Love You, But I Don’t

This song does not have the best intro. It has a lot of emotion and tells a good story.


This is one of the two songs on the album that is about Ben’s current boyfriend Noah Galvin. I love how passionate Ben sounds when talking about his boyfriend. It sounds like he really loves him. I think this would be a cute duet for the two of them.

4.Happy to Be Sad

This is another song written about Noah Galvin. It is about their long-distance relationship. A fun fact the person who played the saxophone solo in this song was Elton John’s original saxophone player. He also got the solo in one take.

3. Chasing You

This is a very upbeat song. It would be good to see in concert. It is a supper update and makes you happy.

2. Come Back

This was an amazing ballad. It has a lot of rhyming lines. It also shows Ben’s range supper well. It is just such a sweet song


This song just sounds so beautiful. It is a gorgeous ballad.  It has so many high parts in it.

Overall, I loved the album. It was very different then his first album was. I can wait to see what other music Ben Platt comes out with.

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