How to Improvise and Become A College Meal Plan Recipe Super-Star

How to Improvise and Become A College Meal Plan Recipe Super-Star

This is how I became a college meal plan recipe improvising super-star.  You can become one too with these simple recipes to your diet, and you do not even have to be a hospitality administration major like me! Seriously, now that I am in college, I got to thinking about some healthy ways that would make the best of my college meal plan, making it more exciting and fun.

The Hazel M. Wilson Dining Commons at UNLV – The daily salad bar provides all the basics for some delicious improvised recipes. (Photo with permission from Google Earth, © 2019 Google)

Ask any college student and they may say the dining plan is fun for the first week … maybe the second week, but after a while, no matter how good and nutritious it may be, it gets a bit old.  After all, eating in the same place every day can become a routine, no matter how good the food may be … even if Wolfgang Puck is the chef (well, maybe not).

In fact, more and more, college dining halls have been incorporating more healthy and fun options. At least that is the case at my college, where there regularly are a pasta station, omelette station, deli, burger bar, salad bar, juice and drink stations, and other good options that rotate out daily. But, after a while, well, you just want something else no matter how good the regular fare may be. A bit of variety is always good.   

This is the first part of my dining hall super-star recipes, and includes the snack, drink, salad, breakfast and dessert.  I have a lot more recipes and I might do a second part if people want that. So if you would like more comment down below.

So, that is where I found myself about two months into my Freshman year at University of Nevada-Las Vegas (Go Rebels!).  At first, I loved the dining commons. I still appreciate it, and appreciate how they innovate and try hard (I’ll still give them an “A”, really), but after a while I could not resist thinking of ways to improvise and innovate even more.  So I put on my hospitality administration major hat, and came up with a few all-new dining commons improvised recipes. Fortunately, they provide all the basic ingredients to do that – starting with a lot of basic ingredients at the salad bar, yogurt bar, and drink stations.  

Passion Iced Tea

For a drink I created a passion fruit flavor iced tea. It can be made in two different ways, and both are super easy to make. It tastes a lot like different fruits mixed together. It also has a light sweetness, that is not overpowering like a lot of pre-made ice teas.

Cold-Steeped Passion Iced Tea

This makes a lightly flavored cold drink. The steps to make this are: 

  • Put some ice in a glass.
  • Pour water into the glass. 
  • Put an herbal tea bag, like passion tea by Tazo,  into the ice water until it starts steep out a bit into the water. 

Fun fact: the Tazo passion tea is the same brand used by Starbucks.

Hot-Steeped Passion Iced Tea

This alternative of the Iced Tea makes a stronger flavored drink. The steps to make this are: 

  • Put some ice in a glass and put the glass aside.
  • Get a cup and put hot water in it. 
  • Put an herbal tea bag, like passion tea by Tazo,  into the hot water and let it steep for a while. The longer you let the tea bag sit in the hot water, the stronger the flavor will be.
  • Take the tea bag out of the hot water.
  • Pour the tea into the glass of ice.

This makes a nicely flavored iced tea as well.

Both of these passion tea recipes create a nicely flavored fruity water drink, with few calories, if any.  It is much better than the “vitamin water” or other flavored waters, which seem to be full of undesirable artificial sweeteners and colors.  You will find it is simple to make, and refreshing to drink.

Cheesy Eggs Bagel Breakfast 

For breakfast I created a bagel sandwich. This is an easy recipe to do with these easy steps using available ingredients at college cafeteria:

  • Pick out a bagel you like.  For this recipe I just used a plain bagel, but any flavor can work.  
  • Slice the bagel in half and toast it.
  • Place scrambled eggs on top of the bottom half of the bagel.
  • Place shredded cheese on top of the eggs.  For this recipe I used pre-shredded cheddar cheese, but you can try cheese slices as well.
  • Place the top half of the bagel on top.  

This makes a filling and delicious breakfast.

Strawberry Shortcake

This original strawberry shortcake recipe makes a great snack or dessert. It is healthy and light, and can be made with these easy steps:

  • Toast two slices of sourdough bread. If you want a smaller portion, toast a single slice of bread, and cut in half.
  • Go over to the yogurt bar and get some vanilla yogurt.  
  • Get some sliced strawberries (or slice some whole strawberries yourself).
  • Combine these ingredients by taking your toasted bread, spreading some yogurt on it, and then, put the sliced strawberries on top.

This tastes like strawberry shortcake, but is nutritious and relatively low in calories. If you want it to be lower in sugar and higher in protein, use greek yogurt, if it is available.


Improvised Yogurt Dip Dessert

For an improvised dining commons dessert I created an apples and yogurt dip recipe. It also is very customizable depending on the ingredients you have available. One example of this recipe is:

  • Put a portion of yogurt in a bowl.  You can try any flavor of yogurt, but for this version, I used vanilla.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon over the yogurt.
  • Sprinkle granola to taste.
  • Sprinkle raisins or dried cranberries on top. 
  • Mix and eat!

Try improvising with this recipe.  For example, try different flavors of yogurt, different types of fruit, whether dried or not, nuts and so on.  Try it out at your dining commons, and improvise away! Get creative and I am sure it will taste good. It is a nice and sweet dessert that is healthier than other desserts. 

Spicy Taco Salad by Jessica

This spicy taco salad is one of my favorite salad recipes. It features a Mexican taste, and can a bit spicy but not too spicy. Of all the recipes I developed for this article, this is one of my favorites. The recipe is:

  • Start with some lettuce or spinach in a bowl or on a plate. You can choose any type of lettuce, or combine different types.
  • Put beans, bell peppers, chicken, and cilantro on it, in amounts that you desire.
  • Top with croutons and shredded cheese. 
  • Add a vinegar-based dressing.
  • Mix in the dressing.


In creating the recipes for this article, I was particularly happy because it brought some variety into my college dining hall experience. I hope it gives you some ideas as well – whether preparing food at home, or in a cafeteria.

I also am planning to post more articles and recipes in the future. I have a lot of my own ideas, but send me some of yours! Put your ideas for articles, reviews or recipes in the comments below. Also, I’m inviting some guest authors to submit articles, and I’ll credit you in the article!

Follow my Instagram using the link in the right column, or using this link JessicasReviews Instagram. See you next time!

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