Amazing Experience at “Come From Away”

Amazing Experience at “Come From Away”


I had an amazing time at “Come From Away”. If you have been reading my blog for a while or know me personally you may know that I am a huge Musical Theater fan. For my birthday the one thing that I asked for was tickets to see a show I have been wanting to see for a while …. “Come From Away”.

Summary of show

“Come From Away” is set on September 11th, 2001, right after the Twin Towers collapsed. All air traffic was halted. Thirty-six planes had to land in Gander, Newfoundland. The story was about the people who were in one of the planes and their experiences in Newfoundland. It is also about how the people of Newfoundland helped .

Personal Connection

I saw the Apple TV recording  of this show. I fell in love with it and wanted to see it live so badly. My dream finally came true. I found out that “Come From Away” was touring and I was so excited.

“Come From Away” is currently touring around North America. You can find the link here.

The Smith Center

I saw “Come From Away” with my Dad and Step Mom  at the Smith Center. It is one of my favorite theaters. I love the layout of the theater.

The Performances


The songs in the show were incredible. The songs were so catchy. My favorite song was “Me and the Sky”.


The actors were amazing. They made me feel like I was in the story instead of just watching it happen.

Unique Parts

I found a lot of supper unique things about the show. The first thing I found unique is that there was a live band that came on stage after bows. Another part that I found unique is that the story switched between the prospective of the people from  the plane and the people of Newfoundland.


In conclusion, I had such an amazing time. One of the best shows ever. I would love to see it again. If you get the chance to see it I would highly recommend.




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